Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Free Writing Day #2 - Home Sick

 I took a sick day today. For lunch yesterday, I went to the corner store near my job and got some fresh veggies and dip to snack on. Apparently the veggies [or the dip] weren't any good...

Five minutes from my house I started to feel queasy and my head started pounding... By the time I walked in the door it was all I could do to walk in the door and fall into bed.I didn't feel much better this morning so I stayed home.

Now, I can't speak for anyone else, but I always feel slightly guilty when I take a sick day; especially when I end up doing things around the house. It kind of feels like cheating on work... Like today, I did some cooking, washed and styled my hair read a little, and watched more television than the law allows...

I'm not sure what I think I should be doing but I have visions of a sick person in bed with a thermometer in her mouth and an ice pack on her head. That's not typically how my sick days look...

The good news is that whatever it was has passed and I will be heading back to work tomorrow... :o)

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