I've been writing since I was 8 years old. I'm most happy, most expressive, most creative, most content, and most me when I'm writing.
Recently, I completed final edits on my first book called Faith Lifts which, if all goes according to plan, The book will be out in February 2012!! I am beyond excited! The book, which is described in greater detail on the "works in progress" page, is called Faith Lifts. It is a devotional book designed to encourage, inspire, motivate, and entertain readers while encouraging spiritual growth.
I also have two fiction projects in progress -Cloud of Witnesses and On The Way to Reba's. If I had to categorize them, I suppose they fall under Christian fiction, however, I belive they will appeal to a wider audience. I mention more about them on the "my projects" tab as well.
I am an alumni of the Zora Neal Hurston-Richard Wright Foundation's Writer's Week class of 2003; a highly competitive workshop where African American writers are encouraged, nurtured and educated about the process and the business of writing by established professionals. Hosted by my all time favorite author, Marita Golden. I participated in the Popular Fiction course taught by Dr. Venise Berry, author or All of Me: A Voluptuous Tale and Colored Sugar Water. It was an experience unlike any other that I have experienced in my writing life. In short, it was my affirmation that writing is my destiny.
That's about it for now, but my story, like yours, is a work in progress. I am so pleased that you stopped by and welcome you to come again. Please don't forget to leave me a comment. I'd love to know you were here and to keep in touch.